Australian Sports Commission boosts Golf and Bowls

May 29, 2024
Jane Louise

The Australian Sports Commission (ASC) Play Well Participation Grant Program recently announced its recipients, showing major support for sports including golf and bowls.

The objectives of the government’s program are to both increase involvement in and address barriers to playing sports, ensuring there is a place for everyone.

Anika Wells, Minister for Sport believes all Australians will benefit.

“Indigenous communities, regional and remote areas and people with disability are at the heart of so many of these projects to help ensure sport is fun and accessible for anyone who wants to be involved,” she said.

The entire funding pool of $10.3 million was dispersed across 69 sports projects, covering a wide range of activities.

MyGolf and Get Into Golf, two key golf participation programs, were among the recipient projects, which are now able to be improved and expanded.

Golf Australia’s General Manager – Golf Participation David Gallichio was grateful for the grant.

“As part of this we’re looking to work with multicultural communities to help diversify our participation base especially among young people.

“We strongly believe in golf’s value in creating more connected and active communities across Australia whilst also recognising the opportunity for our clubs, facilities and PGA Members across the country to increase the number of people playing the game,” he said.

Bowls Australia was also successful in receiving funding, which will be used for ongoing enhancements to its Club Support Program, prioritising the advancement of clubs and optimising the use of venues.

Bowls Australia has been especially focussed on community engagement recently as it also celebrated National Volunteer Week, recognising the vital work done by volunteers in keeping clubs operating.

To ensure continued recognition of its volunteers, Bowls Australia has created a Volunteer Workforce Action Plan, which aligns with the ASC’s Sports Coalition Plan.

To this end, a Volunteer Working Group will be created with members including Bowls Australia staff, five volunteer representatives, a representative from ASC and from another sport.

Chris Evans, General Manager – Participation and Programs for Bowls Australia said the aim was for volunteers to have a “positive, safe and welcoming experience” at bowling venues.

“While volunteers are the backbone of our sport, we hear and see the impact that volunteering in Bowls has on people within our community.

“Being engaged as a participant, coach, official or volunteer, has a positive impact on individuals, and the broader community in the sport,” he said.

Lists of all successful Australian Sports Commission Play Well Participation Grant Program recipients can be found here.


Australian Sports Commission, Bowls Australia, Golf Australia, Play Well Participation Grant Program

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