Gosford Bowls saved from imminent closure

February 27, 2025
Clyde Mooney

The troubles of the beloved Gosford Community Bowling Club have found some respite, after a considered change of heart by Council.

A review of assets by Central Coast Council (CCC) in 2023 found multiple sites deemed either surplus to its needs or possessing the potential for long-term lease. CEO David Farmer announced the bowling club site could be better utilised, as part of the revitalisation masterplan on the Gosford waterfront, and that it didn’t plan to continue owning it indefinitely. The waterfront masterplan depicts a high-rise hotel on the bowling club site.

The bowling club site is leased to Central Coast Leagues Club (CCLC), with access provided for bowling, but this lease was set to expire in December and early last year GCBC began its fight to survive, seeing club members call on the community to speak up in its defence.

Bowls devotees cited that it is well documented by historians that the club is built on land originally owned by the bowling club, which was given to Erina Shire Council.

In November the Leagues Club suggested it develop a business case, demonstrating how it would grow membership and revenue, offering help for it to relocate. But CCLC says the bowlers declined and instead proposed to gradually take on management and all operational costs.

CCLC countered with suggestion of an additional lease, which is would fund, also providing funds through Club Grants comparable to what it provides other clubs it supports, but on condition the bowls club supports itself from the outset of the new lease.

After extensive discussion on the proposal, GCBC said they could not meet the commitment.

However, they stress it was not that they were not eager to try, and more because CCLC had not provided key financial details and they were unable to reach a decision by the deadline given.

At the end of January the Club was given its marching orders by the Leagues Club. CCLC CEO Bevan Paul said in an email to members that the decision will enable them to deploy more funding to the many other clubs it supports.

CCLC has long been a supporter of the Bowling Club, having amalgamated with it back in 1987, but the cost of this has been “steadily increasing”, further hampered by declining membership and attendance, hitting more than $185,000 in FY24.

“Last year, the bowlers received more financial support than the rest of the internal clubs combined, and this lack of equity was a major factor in CCLC’s decision-making process,” boded Paul.

Looking to offset its losses, CCLC put up for sale the land being used as the bowling club’s carpark, which it owned. Ownership was transferred in January, effectively leaving the bowls club landlocked on the Council land and preventing access to parking.

Discussions were underway on how the bowls club would attract new members and business. It is already the country’s leading bowling club for blind and low vision people, hosting fortnightly bowls days and other events. It also caters for people in wheelchairs and wheelbeds, with one purpose-built synthetic green, as well as stroke survivors, people with Down Syndrome and school children averse to contact sport.

However, discussions veered to the bowlers taking over the running of the bowls club, and they say they didn’t want to sign an agreement without all the information, and claim CCLC did not provide a breakdown of the funds it says it provided.

Feeling “in a vulnerable position” they began considering if they wouldn’t be better off taking a lease directly with Council. The club applied for incorporation, but the six-weeks process was “too long for us,” says a spokesperson, explaining that CCLC has informed them that all money in the accounts must be handed back 9 March. 

Hearing in late January that the car park had been sold, and that closure of the club was imminent, three Central Coast councillors met with representatives of the bowling club to try to find a solution.

In its defence the GCBC says its future has been in doubt and it has been losing players since 2021, when Council first raised the idea of selling the land.

Following the site visit and conversations with local members, Council opted to help, offering a temporary reprieve by way of a ‘six-month seasonal booking’. Over the coming half-year GCBC will have opportunity to develop its business plan and funding models to present to Council for consideration. If satisfactory, CCC will consider entering into a direct lease with the Club.

“We are really pleased to be able to offer this opportunity to Gosford Community Bowling Club – as we know how important the Club is to its members.

“The Club has many challenges to face, including access, equipment, capital and a viable operating model – and Council’s offer will give them time to explore this.”

Taking to social media, GCBC thanked all the neighbouring clubs’ messages of support, and its long-time host.

“We are grateful for the support that Central Coast Leagues Club has given us over the years, but now it is time to stand on our own feet.

“Will it be easy? Not at all! Will it make us stronger? Hopefully.

“As we move forward we are hoping that when the keys are handed over to us that the club will look and feel the same way it does now.”

GCBC was contacted for further details on the plan, but is not offering any specifics at this stage.


Central Coast Council, Central Coast Leagues Club, Gosford Community Bowling Club

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