Western Australia’s Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (DLGSC) has created a program to provide critical financial support to organisations focused on sport and active recreation.
The aim is to elevate Western Australia’s position to become known as a world-class destination for arts, sport and Aboriginal and other cultural events.
To achieve this aim, the funding will allow eligible organisations to plan, secure and realise an array of sports events across Western Australia.

With this, it is hoped that a diverse range of attractions across the state will create more vibrant communities, attracting both interstate and overseas visitors, which will in turn boost the state’s economy.
The grants will be allocated across three different categories, at up to $50,000 each.
The categories include ‘Event Projects’, ‘Event Hosting’, and ‘Country Sport Enrichment Scheme’, which focuses on assistance in regional areas.
Organisations including local sport and active recreation clubs and associations, and regional and national sporting associations are eligible, as long as they meet criteria such as having an Australian Business Number and hold relevant insurance cover.
Applications close 25 August 2024 at 5pm, Perth time.
For further information, visit the DLGSC funding page or contact Lorraine Sanders, Senior Project Officer — Industry Development on 08 9492 9828, or email lorraine.sanders@dlgsc.wa.gov.au.