Liquor & Gaming clamps down on ClubGRANTS

September 4, 2024
Clyde Mooney

Liquor & Gaming NSW has finalised its audit of the ClubGRANTS scheme, with problems uncovered at almost two thirds of clubs, and key findings for submissions in 2024.

Earlier this year the NSW regulator (L&G) invited participation in a survey and discussion on the ClubGRANTS system, as part of a major audit being undertaken into the program’s procedures.

L&G reports auditing a total of 2,092 items claimed through ClubGRANTS, and disallowing 316 (15 per cent) of these. It is important that clubs consider the results ahead of the upcoming annual returns.

Amongst key findings were that:

  • 64 per cent of clubs had poor record keeping
  • 44 per cent did not provide evidence of eligibility for payments
  • 62 per cent had expenditure items disallowed as they were ineligible

Submissions for the 2024 ClubGRANTS can be lodged from 1 to 11 September 2024, and it is now mandatory for all qualifying clubs to use the online portal to lodge their annual return. The portal can be accessed through the ClubsNSW ClubGRANTS webpage.

New requirements include that clubs must allocate 75 per cent or more of Category 1 funds in accordance with the local committee’s recommendations. If this does not take place, the venue must submit a report to L&G NSW within 45 days of finalising all Category 1 funding decisions.

The revised guidelines have also introduced a restriction on expenditure supporting overseas travel and education programs, which must now be approved by the Independent Liquor & Gaming Authority (ILGA).

L&G has detailed reposes to a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) arising from the audit and industry feedback.

An industry webinar was held on 22 August, providing an overview of the audit’s outcomes and learnings. (Watch Seminar HERE)


Clubgrants, ClubsNSW, Liquor & Gaming

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