There are less than 80 days until the Paris Olympics … have you begun your planning in order to get the absolute most out of this, the biggest sporting event in the world in 2024?
Max Hitchins, the Hospitality Doctor, reports.
Last week I mentioned the importance of decor for to set the scene for the Olympics. If you haven’t organised anything yet to dress up your Club, check out Parties in Packages.

This week can I suggest you might plan for some Trivia competitions. I suggest you host regular ‘Olympics-themed trivia’ days, nights and/or on-line for your Club.

But first, you need your team ‘on board’ if you are going to achieve good results.
Be sure to have a team meeting with your staff. Tell them you want to “own” the Olympics in your area. Tell your team you were thinking of doing some Olympics trivia competitions, and ask them for ideas.
Don’t let this happen: recently, in a hotel, I saw a flyer on the wall telling of what I thought was a good marketing idea. I asked the young lady behind the bar to tell me about the idea and how it worked. She replied “It’s just some stupid idea the boss has!”
Ahhhhhhh! Please don’t let that happen at your Club.
Be prepared to offer good prizes for the winners. Next week’s article will be about innovative ideas and ways to find and offering special prizes.
Where do you find Olympic Trivia?
That’s easy. You can gather tonnes of information by searching the internet; it’s all over the place. As a matter of fact, the spread of information can be a bit of a problem. Believe me, I know – I began researching 12 years ago for my latest book Chasing Gold, which is full of inspiring stories about Olympic athletes.
For some Star appeal, perhaps engage an athlete to host sessions.

Chasing Gold outlines the achievements of dozens of inspirational athletes – plus it is a world-first, full of video links on the stories. Available on Amazon.