Club industry consultant and impending PhD Warren Tapp works in the arena of club legislation and governance, and has advice for directors getting their hands on the job.
One of the comments I often hear from Club Managers is that their Board members are interfering in operational matters. This includes directors giving staff instructions and telling the manager to reduce the price on the meals for lunch.

This is not the role of any director, and it has bad effects in the club. Not only does it undermine your manager and confuse the staff, but it means the director is not spending time on the governance issues, like club finances, risk management and strategy.
No individual director has the legal power to instruct staff or direct the manager unless it has been agreed by the whole Board in writing. If a director directs the manager to do something they have every right to check with the President if it is a Board directive, otherwise say no to the individual. If a member complains to a director, they should refer such comments to the manger for action, or to the whole board if it is a serious issue affecting the club.
If any director continues to do this the manager should meet with the President who should speak with the individual director involved. The role of the Board is to govern the club and not try to operate it, that is the manager’s job. Of course, a director can make any suggestions to improve the club, however, leave it up to the manager to decide if they will do it.
Instead, each director should spend their time reading all the Board papers and thinking about what directors are meant to do, provide governance for the sustainability of the club for its members.
In others, stay out of the kitchen!
Warren Tapp