Game On for Club Sustainability

June 21, 2023
Jane Louise

The Australian Sports Commission (ASC) marked this year’s World Environment Day by including sustainability questions in their Game Plan platform.

Game Plan is a free resource for all Australian sporting clubs and organisations.

It assists these organisations to gain an understanding of their capabilities across key administrative areas, identifies strengths and weaknesses, and provides resources to address areas needing improvement.

Game Plan then assists these organisations in tracking their improvements as things change. 

Designed in conjunction with Sports Environment Alliance (SEA), Game Plan utilises a maturity rating to assess administrative areas such as operations and policies and processes. A scale from ‘not in place’ to ‘excelling’ is then applied to the level that an organisation’s actions are environmentally sustainable.

Receiving a low maturity rating, however, can initially be seen as positive. It can show an organisation where they need to focus their attention as well as providing assistance in achieving a higher maturity rating over time.

The aim of these new questions is to help organisations integrate positive climate action into their everyday decisions.

Currently, over 2,500 organisations use Game Plan.

Tennis Australia is one of these who particularly welcome this new focus.

“As a mostly outdoor sport, the health of the climate in Australia is vital to our game,” Tennis Australia’s Director of Sustainability Matt Nicholas said.

“It is great to see the ASC recognise and include environmental sustainability as a level of maturity in Game Plan.”

For more information visit


Australian Sports Commission, Game Plan, Sustainability

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