Top 20 EGM Clubs in NSW named

June 15, 2021
Absens Amicus

The last data from Liquor and Gaming NSW shows there are 10,617 poker machines in the top 20 NSW clubs. 

Of the top three, Bankstown Sports Club had the highest number of EGMs in the state at 745, followed by Rooty Hill RSL Club with 710, and Canterbury Leagues Club in Belmore with 699. 

Panthers Penrith Rugby League Club is in fourth place with 625 EGMs, followed by Mounties at Mount Pritchard with 10 less at 615. 

Sydney’s west and southwest have the highest number of EGMs in the state, with Canterbury-Bankstown recording the most revenue from EGMs at clubs and hotels out of all local government areas ($187.56m), from January to April this year, followed by Fairfield City Council ($182.26m) and Cumberland Council ($116.36m).

The NSW Government has allocated $41.2m to responsible gambling programs and initiatives this year.

Those experiencing problem gambling can call ClubSAFE on 1800 99 77 66 for free and confidential counselling and support.

But as ClubTIC reported recently, the see-saw battle between clubs and pubs for gaming revenue continues, with the recovery from COVID-19 still having an impact, the latest figures from Queensland and NSW authorities show.   

TOP 20 CLUBS  (by number of machines)

Bankstown Sports Club, Bankstown – 745 

Rooty Hill RSL Club, Rooty Hill – 710 

Canterbury League Club, Belmore – 699 

Penrith Rugby League Club, Penrith – 625 

Mt Pritchard & District Community Club (Trading as Mounties), Mount Pritchard – 615 

Twin Towns Services Club, Tweed Heads – 596 

Wentworthville Leagues Club, Wentworthville – 545 

Western Suburbs Newcastle Leagues Club, New Lambton – 541 

Revesby Workers‘ Club, Revesby – 525 

Campbelltown Catholic Club, Campbelltown – 519 

Dee Why RSL Club, Dee Why – 488 

Parramatta Leagues Club, Parramatta – 473 

Cabra-Vale Ex-Active Servicemen’s Club, Canley Vale – 450 

Commercial Club (Albury), Albury – 450 

Dooleys Lidcombe Catholic Club, Lidcombe – 448 

Western Suburbs League Club (Campbelltown), Leumeah – 448 

St Marys Rugby League Club, North St Marys – 445 

Liverpool Catholic Club, Prestons – 435 

Workers Blacktown, Blacktown – 430 

Sutherland District Trade Union Club, Gymea – 430 


EGM, EGMs, gaming machines, gaming numbers, gamings figures

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