The Victorian government has launched round two of its program to get punters into venues, offering up to $125 refund on dining and entertainment bills.
The new $25 million Eat, Play, Cash Back voucher scheme was launched this week, with the goal of getting Victorians spending in clubs and restaurants and places of interest – ahead of the busy summer months.
Customers can claim 25 per cent on bills of $40 or more on a range of activities, such as dining out and tickets to event venues, including live music, museums and galleries. Up to $125 can be claimed back by each person, and multiple claims can be made until the limit is reached.

The scheme follows the success of its predecessor, and is part of the state’s broader $200 million stimulus program to support businesses in Victoria.
“Whether it’s booking a table for lunch or heading to a live music event, this cashback program puts money back into people’s pockets and supports hardworking businesses,” says Ben Carroll, the newly appointed Minister for Industry Support and Recovery.
“This program also helps build business and consumer confidence, while supporting jobs and boosting the state’s economy.”
The first round of the program began in March, garnering more than $32 million in claims over three months. Consumers predominantly used it at dining venues, and for cinema and theatre tickets.
The initiative is slated to operate until 16 December, or when the allocated funds have been claimed.