June 29, 2021
Absens Amicus

NSW Central Coast clubs are benefitting from State Government funding, with Terrigal Surf Club adding solar panels to its $1.24 renovation budget while MacMasters Beach and Shelly Beach SLSCs are also allocated much-needed cash.  

In further funding grants from the NSW Government Budget, Terrigal SLSC receives $32,000 for new solar panels, MacMasters Beach SLSC gets a new roof at a cost of $108,986 and Shelly Beach SLSCs upgrade will benefit to the tune of $117,264. 

In a development application lodged with Central Coast Council in July, the almost 1000-member Terrigal Surf Club’s plan is for a new extended open-air deck on the first level of its existing clubhouse.  

The Club’s upstairs deck will be extended over the downstairs café, which will have a new total area of more than 70sqm. The upstairs deck will be extended by 27sqm. 

The gym downstairs will be relocated to the first floor, while the women’s changerooms area on the rear southern corner will be extended with an area of 38.28sqm. 

There will also be a plant area downstairs for air-conditioning, building systems and access to water tanks. 

The first floor will be extended at the south over the existing public toilets and storage areas to make room for a new training room, gym, canteen servery, storage and toilet facilities. 

The north-eastern corner, covering the ground-level café, will include seating and an alfresco dining area with views over the water and Terrigal Drive. 

Image: supplied

“The alterations and additions are of a complementary design and appearance to the existing club building, which will also be repainted to further integrate the existing and proposed building elements,” the DA states. 

“The additions will include a sloping roof to match the existing roof and the building height of the additions will be the same as the existing club building, which is 5.989m on the north-eastern (beach) side and 7.343m on the southwestern (Terrigal Esplanade) side.” 

Central Coast Council will continue to support Surf Life Saving Central Coast to provide lifesaver services across 15 patrolled beaches from late September to April. 

Council provides financial support to help SLSCC deliver vital beach safety patrols and educational programs and will provide $213,500 for the 2020-21 financial year. 

Council Administrator Dick Persson AM said Council is thrilled to have a close working relationship with SLSCC to create safe beach and aquatic environments for residents and visitors. 

“Through partnering with Surf Life Saving Central Coast we are able to provide a seamless seven day a week service at beaches most popular with locals and visitors,” Mr Persson said. 

“I thank each and every one of our volunteer surf lifesavers, who keep our community safe.” 


MacMasters Beach SLSC, Shelly Beach SLSC, Surf Life Saving Central Coast, Terrigal Surf Club

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