Conditional rezoning approval granted to Stanmore’s Cyprus Club

May 16, 2023
Absens Amicus

The New South Wales Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) has given its approval to a rezoning proposal for The Cyprus Club on Stanmore Road, Stanmore.

The rezoning will allow the club to develop a new mixed-use development consisting of up to 120 residential townhouse and apartment dwellings, along with 1,550 square metres of club floor and commercial space. The approval, however, does comes with conditions, including the widening of Alma Avenue and providing public access on the site.

The next step for the rezoning is a separate development application process with the Inner West Council to evaluate the design of the site’s redevelopment, with approvals required before construction can begin.

The Cyprus Community of NSW (CCNSW) had submitted revised plans after an earlier rezoning application was recommended for refusal by the Inner West Council. The original proposal included dividing the site into four buildings, along with the construction of an outdoor park space and communal area. However, the Inner West Council rejected the proposal citing concerns relating to traffic and amenity impacts.

While some CCNSW members have expressed concerns about the outstanding negotiations with the Inner West Council, the rezoning approval has been seen as a significant step in the right direction. The details of the rezoning decision will be communicated to CCNSW members in upcoming information meetings, followed by a community consultation process to gather input on future options.

The Cyprus Club Stanmore – Image from LinkedIn


development, rezoning, Stanmore, The Cyprus Club

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