Leagues Club’s Retirement Living Plan in the Air

July 19, 2023
Jane Louise

Six years after Ryde Eastwood Leagues Club put forward its application for ‘The Riverly’, the $40.5 million retirement living plan set to be decided in court.

Ryde Eastwood Leagues Club, formed in 1963 and located on Ryedale Rd in West Ryde, has made plans to utilise adjacent land on the corner of Terry and Ryedale Roads. 

Last October, Ethos Urban, a planning consultancy, submitted plans to the City of Ryde for the construction of a development comprising a three-storey block of 12 independent living units, a four-storey block of 30 independent living units, a short-term studio, office, reception area, communal recreational spaces, and amenities. The proposed project also includes basement parking to accommodate 50 vehicles. 

Independent living units are housing options within communities that cater specifically to the needs of those over 55 seeking access to a range of home care services and support, all while preserving their independence.  

These properties typically consist of self-contained apartments or villas situated in retirement villages, ensuring residents enjoy a level of privacy and security. The apartments and surrounds are designed to cater for mobility issues. 

According to villages.com.au, there are 75 other retirement living options in the Ryde area alone. 

While the City of Ryde supports the essence of the proposal put forward by Ethos Urban, due to the site’s proximity to public transport and health care facilities, Council is looking for further amendments prior to approval. 

The planning proposal to permit an increased maximum building height and increased maximum floor space ratio for a seniors housing development was approved by the Sydney North Planning Panel. Additionally, the Permitted Uses were amended to include ‘seniors housing’ as a permissible use, subject to obtaining development consent. 

The decision will be made in the NSW Land and Environment Court. 


retirement village, Ryde Eastwood Leagues Club

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