OK2PLAY? providing support for at-risk club patrons

December 6, 2022
Absens Amicus

Following a rollout across a collection of venues in NSW, OK2PLAY? – a newly developed Australian digital platform – is being implemented in hospitality venues across Queensland.

The world’s leading technology platform, built by Australian Tech Company GPT, OK2PLAY? is driven by human connections to protect at-risk patrons feeling susceptible or uncertain at gaming venues. 

Developed to create a pathway to discreet and private in-venue assistance in real time, the non-intrusive digital platform checks in with club members via an app prior to them entering a venue to confirm if they feel “OK” to play on that day. If the answer is negative, the technology triggers a discreet in-venue response from staff to assist and link patrons with the appropriate support services.

Normalising the conversation around problem gambling, OK2PLAY? offers Club patrons the opportunity to admit they may not be okay to gamble responsibly, without the worry of who, or how, they should ask for help, Shielded by the technology’s anonymity, the likelihood of patrons to self-report increases.

OK2PLAY? has been well-received by venues in NSW and Queensland, with Clubs reporting positive results to the self-reporting technology since its September launch. GPT have reported that within the first 40 days following its September launch of the new technology, over 52,000 people had been directly asked the question, “Are you OK2PLAY?”.

By integrating this new technology, venues are operating ahead of the curve when it comes to player and staff protection, by bypassing any social barriers for at-risk patrons to seek help. 

Australian digital platform, OK2PLAY? is being implemented in hospitality venues across Australia


app, at-risk gamblers, OK2PLAY?

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