Straight To The Source spotlight on…Eggzi

April 13, 2021
Tawnya Bahr & Lucy Allon

By Tawnya Bahr and Lucy Allon, Straight To The Source

In Straight To The Source’s column for ClubTIC, Tawnya and Lucy chat to chef Mark Beattie to learn more about his new Aussie business Eggzi cracking the local foodservice market.

The penny dropped for Mark Beattie, founder of Eggzi, when he realised that his business idea would fill a much-needed gap for the foodservice sector.

After 23 years of cooking in the industry, and countless kitchen audits, Beattie wanted to offer clubs, restaurants, bars and other commercial kitchens a safe egg product that reduced food waste and boosted the bottom line but didn’t compromise on quality.

At the time, the chef had been working at a commercial venue and had been looking for pasteurised eggs to use across multiple sections of the business but couldn’t find a supplier.

“The bar was cracking eggs, wasting the yolks and using the whites to make whisky sours to-order,” Beattie said. “And the kitchen was wedded to manufactured mayonnaise due to the safety issues with unpasteurised eggs.

“Who wants a bit of shell in a $20 cocktail? And aioli is on every menu around. You don’t have to buy it in … get back to your craft.”

It was then that he had his eureka moment, and he hatched a plan that would eventually turn into Eggzi.

Eggzi specialises in free range and pasteurised egg-based products sourced only from Australian farms using ethical and sustainable practices.

Eggzi’s range of products includes Whole Chef’s Eggs, Chefs’ Egg Yolks and Bartenders’ Egg Whites.

The eggs are pasteurised in liquid form, which reduces harmful bacteria such as salmonella by 99 per cent, and packaged in easy-to-store and easy-to-use pouches made with a specially designed screw cap to maintain the safety and quality of the eggs.

They are available fresh with a seven-day shelf life, and now frozen, with a six-month shelf life.

From scrambled eggs to brioche, aioli to pasta, and martinis to fizzes, chefs, caterers and mixologists will be able to craft their masterpiece with safer Australian free-range and pasteurised eggs. Easy (or should we say Eggzi?).

More about Eggzi HERE.


egg whites, egg yolks, eggs, foodservice, Mark Beattie

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