UK market trend: Consumers flock back to their local clubs 

February 28, 2022
Emma Castle

If UK trends are anything to go by, a 36 per cent bump in consumer confidence will see customers flooding back to clubs to catch up with family and friends.

Data, consulting, research and insights company CGA managing director for UK and Ireland Jonny Jones told the Morning Advertiser Leaders Club Conference held in London last week (24 February) that consumer confidence has risen 36 percentage points when compared with January (2022), with 70 per cent now feeling ‘very’ or ‘quite confident’ visiting hospitality venues.

He says customers are planning on spending more on hospitality visits in 2022 than they did pre-COVID-19, and that 36 per cent said they missed going out during lockdown and plan treat themselves once restrictions are lifted, while 27 per cent want to make up for lost occasions.

The data also showed that customers will see visits to the club as more of a casual experience, rather than a treat, with patronage expected to rise 16 per cent on pre-COVID-19 figures. 

Jones told the conference that many consumers are reacquainting themselves with their local venues, with 60 per cent finding them more convenient in 2021. Venues, in turn, are improving their offerings to capitalise on this renewed interest.

“The impact on consumer mindset is clear to see. There is a live for the moment mindset in consumers now, they are planning to treat themselves and they are wanting to do that in the hospitality sector.

“Functional occasions have lost [favour], the quick drink or quick bite to eat, it’s the casual catch-up we missed in lockdown with family and friends which have increased.

“When we get it right consumers are telling us they will spend more. With restrictions now being completely removed … we can look forward to the year ahead,” said Jones.


Morning Advertiser Leaders Club conference

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