Tenterfield Bumblebees Rugby Union Club has begun the process of applying for a grant for the building of a new $1 million clubhouse at Federation Park, citing “safety concerns” at its existing facility.
The Northern NSW club recently secured in-principle support from Tenterfield Shire Council for the two-level complex with a floor area of approximately 450 sqm.
The approval was provided “subject to the satisfactory resolution of community consultation process, satisfactory site analysis, lease negotiation, management agreement negotiation and development approval process”.
The Tenterfield Bumblebees said the male and female toilets are currently not often used “due to safety concerns”.
Council said the TBRC clubhouse, built in 1984, currently provides “aged and basic facilities for all of the users of the park which includes senior soccer, rugby union, touch football, little athletics and netball”.
Facilities at Federation Park currently include the existing clubhouse with canteen, netball courts, two storerooms, change rooms and toilets.
“Senior Soccer obtained a temporary (two-year) DA in 2017 for a container adjacent to the club house for storage purposes which has now expired,” the council said in its report.
Council has also granted a 20-year lease for land on the western side of the oval, south of the current building.
“TBRC does not have storage facilities and has also applied to have a container on the park for storage purposes. The male and female toilets in the building are not often used due to safety concerns.
“TBRC intend to apply for a community grant to construct a new clubhouse with change rooms, storage facilities, kitchen and entertaining area.
“Detailed design and costings are yet to be completed and a development application is yet to be submitted.”
In a letter to other users of Federation Oval, the rugby club said the new building would benefit the entire sporting community by providing more modern facilities for all clubs to use, as well as a large entertaining area suitable for both private and community events.
“The building would provide more access for people with a disability, including wheelchair access to facilities,” the club said in its letter.
“The Tenterfield Rugby Club would possess the lease but would guarantee equal access for all member clubs,” it said. “This new facility would enable all local clubs and schools to run carnivals, competitions and sporting events, with access to modern and much improved facilities.”