Gippsland club to host amputee golf stars

October 25, 2022
Absens Amicus

Leongatha Golf Club will welcome some of Australia’s best amputee golf players for a Charity Golf Day on 28 October.

Amputee Golf Victoria’s biggest fundraiser of the year, the event is through a collaboration between Amputee Golf Victoria, Leongatha Golf Club, and Inverloch Rotary Club and aims to showcase the high standards of All Abilities golf and help improve Leongatha’s course accessibility and Amputee Golf Victoria programs.

Reflecting Leongatha Golf Club’s commitment to providing inclusive sport, the Ambrose format event will see teams of four, each including one amputee golf champion, compete for the inaugural title. 

There will also be a free all abilities golf clinic and ‘Come and Try’ day, prior to the competition, to showcase the type of programs that Amputee Golf Victoria offers. The golf clinic includes assistance from a qualified all-abilities instructor, modified equipment and morning tea.

Through its disability golf programs across Victoria, Amputee Golf Victoria’s vision is to position golf as an inclusive sport of choice for those who go through limb loss, as the sport is ideal for a range of mobility challenges.

Fundraisers like this one are vital for the future of the organisation and all-abilities golfers as it is not government funded. Register your interest via email at

Leongatha Golf Club. Image from Facebook


Amputee Golf Victoria, Gippsland, Leongatha Golf Club

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