Inaugural Expo brings community together

August 30, 2023
Jane Louise

Nambucca Bowls Club recently held the inaugural Community Expo – a free expo designed to showcase local clubs, groups and other organisations and projects to the wider community, with the aim of promoting community connectedness.

Over 35 organisations set up stalls throughout and outside the club, enabling members of the public to discover opportunities for getting involved in local endeavours.

While Nerida Blackford, organiser of the event, was a little disappointed with the turnout, many of the participating organisations were able to recruit new members and bring awareness of their work to the public.

Most participants advised they were keen to participate again next year, and Ms Blackford is hopeful the Community Expo will become an annual event.

Many local groups used the opportunity to connect with members of the public who otherwise had not known of their existence, while other groups found the expo useful to share details of upcoming events with visitors.

The Community Expo was particularly helpful to some of the district’s newer organisations.

Anne-Maree Jolly, of the newly formed Nambucca Valley evening Branch of the CWA said, “The Expo gave us an opportunity to let ladies know about us and we seemed to have recruited some new members who would not have otherwise known about us”.

Nambucca Bowls Club. Image: Facebook


Bowls Club, Community Expo, Nambucca, volunteering

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